Mobiles and smartphones are not only a phones they are tiny computers in our hands. We could have got a connection by them with the Global Web, we may check our mail box and social networks, even text messages are not as popular as they used to be, naturally every second we (as a society) receive millions of them, but now we have got other ways to connect with each other via the Internet ( quality assurance specialist). New things in technologies cause mobile app development. Firstly, there were simple applications with weather forecast, childrens games or electronic books, now we have programs tonavigate, online interactive dictionaries and much more. Mobile app development is constantly increasing and it has a large number of clients, even small children can choose interesting apps for their first tablet or smartphone.

Fifteen or even ten years ago we used mobile phones just for calling and sending messages, today we have got almost everything in these not big devices (plans, business emails, a bank account and a paycard). What’s more we need to face new dangers: addictions to technologies and virtual crimes. The first problem in many states is qualificated as a psychical disorder (especially in Japan and China), the second one is constantly growing up ( mobile development ios company poland). Cyber attacks are provided on a big scale and on a high level, criminals are more and more clever. Large It-firms are trying to managed services in way which may minimize hacking and stealing money and data from our accounts, however criminals are as fast as the security development or even faster. People who attempt to managed services have a very hard work and they need to be a virtuosi in their profession. This work is day by day learning and challenging new things, however first of all these are many hours of sitting in front of the computer and managing with program failures. The world of technologies is extending and the difficulties associated with it will only multiply.
New technologies bring new possibilities, but as well many problems which we must face. It is a great idea to try to learn a various ways of preventing our earnings and databases from thefts.